*Laina, R.N., Founder, & CEO: has received compliments regarding her healthy, natural hair over the years, & is often asked what products she uses. She decided to share uniquely blended natural products, from "recipes" she formulated, & uses on her OWN hair & skin. With the support of her husband Leon, UniqBlu was established. 

*Our Name: UniqBlu, (pronounced: "Unique Blue"), spelled in the abbreviated format Laina often writes in. The first half: stands for our products being Unique, & the latter: stands for Laina's favorite color, Blue. 

*Logo: A Lotus flower in Laina's favorite, calm, unique shade of blue, with gold accents. The gold circle makes UniqBlu resemble a planet, (representing Laina sharing her product with the world, & her love of the solar system); Uranus being her fav b/c of its uniqueness: It is the only planet that rotates on its side, & is a gorgeous shade of blue, with beautiful rings. 

*Lotus flowers: grow in muddy waters, yet their petals are never soiled. They symbolize: Purity, Strength, Resilience, & Faith; the Blue Lotus being the most rare to find. The Scent of blue lotus is Heavenly, & helps bring a sense of Calm & Positivity into the atmosphere. 

*Our Slogan: "B U with UniqBlu" encourages our clients to nurture & embrace their hair & skin; allowing our products to help them naturally achieve that.

*Heb. 11:1 "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 

*contact info: uniqblunaturals@gmail.com